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Juvenile Law Training Academy 2019

October 21-22, 2019

Valley River Inn

Juvenile Law Training Academy 2019

October 21-22, 2019

Valley River Inn

Download Written Materials


Valley River Inn
1000 Valley River Way, Eugene

Lawyers $150
NonLawyers $125


Who may attend?
Lawyers, CASAs, CRBs and others working in the juvenile court community.

What’s included in the fee?
• Seminar admission
• Complete course material in advance (via Dropbox link)
• CLE credit
• Breakfast & lunch both days
• Refreshments during breaks

Financial assistance?
Tuition has been kept very low, thanks to the contributions of the sponsors. Public Defense attorneys traveling over 100 miles roundtrip to the academy may request mileage reimbursement from the Office of Public Defense Service .

Seminar cancellations made before October 13  will receive a refund less a $25 cancellation fee.
Seminar cancellations made on or after October 14 (date material is emailed) will receive a refund less a $75 cancellation /written material fee.


No-show Policy
Written materials are sent in advance to all participants. Audio materials in the form of  MP3 recordings will be sent separately. 

CLE Credit
Approval pending for 1.0 access to justice credit, 1.0 mental health credit, and 9.0 general credits in Oregon. For credits in California, Washington or other states, contact OCDLA.


A Brighter Future: Oregon Families in the Spotlight
Monday, October 21
 Moderator: Shannon Dennison, Attorney in Charge, Dept. of Justice Child Advocacy Section, Salem

7:45a  |  Registration/Check-in (continental breakfast provided)
8:30 | Opening Remarks
           Senator Floyd Prozanski, District 4 - South Lane and North Douglas Counties

8:45 | 2019 Legislative Update
           Mary Sofia, OCDLA 2019 Legislative Lobbyist
           Inge Wells, Sr. Assistant Attorney General, Dept. of Justice Appellate Division, Salem 

9:45 | Family First Prevention Services Act: Oregon Implementation
          Staci Barry, Dept. of Justice Civil Enforcement, Child Advocacy Section, Salem
          Alex Trotter, Dept. of Human Services Family First Project Coordinator, Child Welfare Programs, Salem

10:30 | Break

10:45 | Family First Prevention Services Act: Qualified Residential Treatment Programs 
            Lisa Kay Williams, Youth, Rights & Justice, Portland
            Dave Ziegler, PhD, LMFT, LPC, Psychologist, Jasper Mountain Center, Jasper
12:15p    Lunch (included)

1:15 | Hearing & Delivering Bad News Well: Increasing Wellness at Work While Providing Better Service - MENTAL HEALTH CREDIT
         Jennifer List, Multnomah Defenders, Inc., Portland

2:15 | Break

2:30 | Medically Assisted Treatment 101: Drugs, Brain, Behavior
         Eric Martin, MAC, CADC III, PRC, CPS, Mental Health & Addiction Certification Board of Oregon (MHACBO) Portland

3:30 | LGBTQ Children in Foster Care - ACCESS TO JUSTICE CREDIT
         Judah Largent, Umpqua Valley Public Defender, Roseburg
         Nina Nolen, Attorney, Coos Bay

4:30 | Adjourn / Reception
Tuesday, October 22
Moderator: Tyler Neish,  Youth, Rights & Justice, Portland

7:30a  |  Continental Breakfast (included)

8:30 | Family Defense Teams: How Multidisciplinary Family Defense Teams Improve Outcomes
          Mimi Laver, Director of Legal Representation, ABA Center on Children and the Law, Washington, DC
          Dana Brandon, Case Manager Administrator, Parent Child Representation Program, Portland
          Amy Miller, Director, Youth, Rights & Justice, Portland
          Gina Stewart, Roseburg

10:00 | Break

10:15 | Parent Training: How to Choose the Right Service for Your Client
            Jillian Rivas-Davila, Parent Child Representation Program, Portland
            Jodi Warne, Parent Child Representation Program, Corvallis

11:00 | Lived Experiences: Parents Talk About What Works
            Maggie Carlson, Youth, Rights & Justice, Portland
            Dale Roberts, Parent, Lane County
            Jamie Welch, Parent, Multnomah County

12:00 | Lunch (included)

1:00 | The UCCJEA: 10 Things Juvenile Law Practitioners Need to Know
            Judge Maureen McKnight, Multnomah County Circuit Court, Portland

1:45 | Break

2:00 | Appellate Update: What a Year in the Courts!
          Tiffany Keast, Office of Public Defense Services, Salem
          Inge Wells, Sr. Assistant Attorney General, Dept. of Justice Appellate Division, Salem   

3:00     Adjourn

Investigation track


Valley River Inn, Eugene
1-800-543-8266 or 541-743-1000
The group rate is at prevailing government per diem rate at time of arrival. Current per diem rate is $118.
Room block is held until September 30, after that date rooms may be released to general public and our rate may no longer be available.

Mention "OCDLA/Juvenile Law Academy" when booking.

Cancellations must be 7 days before reservation to avoid a charge. 


Registrations for Juvenile Law Training Academy 2019 are currently unavailable.

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