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Juvenile Training Immersion Program 2021

April 22, 2021

Online via Zoom

Juvenile Training Immersion Program 2021

April 22, 2021

Online via Zoom
Download the written material here. Contact OCDLA for password.
EVALUATION — Please complete the online evaluation here.

Juvenile Training Immersion Program (JTIP)
Thursday afternoon, Apr 21 (12:45 – 4:15 p.m., approx.)

Via Zoom

A special invitation-only delinquency training that involves large and small group work, plus interactive exercises led by dedicated trainers —
    •    Maurisa Gates, Metropolitan Public Defenders Office, Portland
    •    Jennifer McGowan, Youth, Rights & Justice, Portland

    •    Kelley Jones, Attorney, Office of the Public Defender, Las Vegas, NV

This training is for OCDLA members only who are involved in juvenile delinquency representation.

Training area —
    •    Challenging Youth Statements (Lesson 20)

Limited space – one lawyer from each Judicial District will be selected.

If you would like to attend, contact your contract administrator and send an email to You must also register for the Annual Juvenile Law Conference.

Registration fee: $65 (no online registration).

Registration deadline: April 12, 2021.

Developed by the National Juvenile Defender Center, JTIP is meant to be the “gold standard” in training for juvenile defenders and is intended to help defenders across the country offer the highest level of advocacy for their clients.

CLE Credit will be applied for in Oregon. For other state accreditation, call OCDLA at 541-686-8716.


Download the written material here. Contact OCDLA for password.
EVALUATION — Please complete the online evaluation here.

OCDLA Juvenile Training Immersion Program

Challenging Youth Statements (Lesson 20)
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Via Zoom

Maurisa Gates, Metropolitan Public Defender, Portland
Jennifer McGowan, Youth, Rights & Justice, Attorneys at Law, Portland
Guest Trainer: Kelly Jones, Office of the Public Defender, Las Vegas, NV

Thursday, April 22
12:30 to 12:45 Participants can login. We will admit everyone right before 12:45 p.m.

Challenging Youth Statements (Lesson 20)

12:45p | Introduction to NJDC & JTIP

1:00p | Large Group Meeting
I.       Introduction (10 min)
              A.       Statement Defined (Incriminatory and Non-Incriminatory Statements)
              B.       Discovery

II.       Grounds for Suppressing a Statement (60 min)
              A.       All Possible Grounds for Suppression or Exclusion
              B.       Miranda
              C.       Involuntariness
              D.       False Confessions

III. Incorporation of Cognitive Limitations/Adolescent Development and Discussion of Possible Defense Witnesses (10 min)
              A.       Impact of Admissibility of a Youth’s Statement
              B.       Potential Defense Witnesses

2:20p | Break

2:35p |  Small Group Meetings
IV. Forensic Exercise: Challenging Youth Statements

              Part 1. Developing a Suppression Theory (30 min)
              Part 2. Developing a Cross or Direct Examination (30 min)
              Part 3. Arguing in Support of the Motion to Suppress (30 min)
              Wrap Up Discussion (10 min)

4:15p Adjourn

Investigation track



To register for the invitation only Juvenile Training Immersion Program, please contact OCDLA, 541-686-8716, or email